Accept progress in others even if its baby steps, but don’t always expect it because their priorities are their own.
If authority came from capacity and expertise, then leadership would vary based on the situation, but it would always the best that it could be.
Sometimes saying sorry is just to let people know you care about their feelings even though you stand by what was said or done.
People respond less to what you did and more to what they expected from you. So, what will you teach them to expect?
By keeping our voices to ourselves we put a valuable little slice of the world’s humanity out of reach and out of sight.
What deserves to be heard is your voice, because no one else has one like it. Find it, and then find a way to share it.
Teach yourself not to feel good in the moments that make your world worse; petty revenge, overindulgence, etc.
History has proven that we seldom have the final answers, only the best solution based on the imperfect information we have at the moment.
Be patient, some of us take longer to get where you are. But we’re all moving forward in our own way.
Patience is a skill much like playing an instrument; with practice your patience can bring beauty into this world.
Most of the time you’re smarter than you give yourself credit for, but sometimes you’re not as clever as you think.
If we keep letting our egos get in the way, we will forever remain a shadow that pales in comparison to the truth of what we really are.
None of us is quite how we perceive ourselves to be; we’re all much, much more; so try to discover as much of you as you can.
If it won’t matter a year from now, and you won’t remember it ten years from now, consider letting it go today.
The high road is often the harder road, so if you find yourself on the easy path then it’s probably clear which road you’ve chosen.
People will push you to oversimplify things. If you choose to do so in your language, don’t also do so in your thinking.
Making fun of what makes people different encourages the people around you to be afraid of anything new, and that can keep them and you from being what makes us unique.
It’s easier to see faults in others, but you can only ever fix your own, so spend more time asking for feedback and less time offering it unprompted.
You won’t always do the right thing, even when you know what the right thing to do is — and you’re not the only one.
Being on time isn’t just an expression of personal power, its also an expression of your respect for the time of others.
Sometimes its ok to be wrong even when you’re right; because sometimes the cost of being right is just too high.