Spend more time building the world that we want our children to live in and not just the life we want them to live.
When working on a project, take the first thing you come up with and say I can do better. Do the same with the second and third until you reach what seemed impossible.
Involve the people you care about in your world, the good and the bad. You’re not helping them at all by keeping them in the dark. You’re only teaching them to suffer alone with their own problems and burdens.
Our personal reality is pretty unique to us. Understanding other realities can help us solve our problems.
Don’t be afraid to lean on the people who actually care about you. You’re not abusing them, and they won’t break.
Just because something happened as an unavoidable accident doesn’t mean you aren’t still responsible for cleaning up the mess.
Our world is full of people. You’re missing most of it if you only look at the world from your perspective.
Even the people you can trust you can’t trust in every situation. We can’t even trust ourselves. We all have our weaknesses and moments.
Never feel diminished by how others shine. If it really bothers you simply say, “Challenge accepted.”
Study the world like an illustrator, always looking for the details we are capable of seeing but rarely do.
I am amazed at how miserable people insist on making themselves in the eternal pursuit of happiness. I’d rather be content and at peace.
All the things that make you different are like superpowers, learn to use them; otherwise they will get in your way.
When someone asks you a question about your experience, try not to get so caught up in yourself that you forget to ask about theirs.
I think humor is a sign is wisdom. The wisest of us can even find reasons to laugh at a funeral, but of course they won’t.
Failure is a step in the stairs to success, the more you fail the closer you get — unless of course you’re headed in the wrong direction.
If we were less arrogant and recognized ourselves as animals, we’d have an easier time taking care of ourselves and each other.
We all suffer the need for something meaningful in our lives. If we don’t get it then we simply suffer. So find it, take it, and hold on to it.
The same way others can’t know everything about you because of their perspective, you can’t see everything about you because of yours.
The person who is willing to put in the effort and commitment that you won’t is out there living the life that you wanted.
Ask yourself “what’s the difference between me and the people who succeed where I want to.” It’s ok of you only come up with questions, because those will be worth finding the answer to.
Avoiding responsibility often means finding yourself in the same situation again, and again, until you do.
We can’t teach people to not let their emotions get the better of them, by getting fed up when they do.
It’s ok to follow the rules including your own until they break, but then you may need to change them.
Trust must be earned, but give people the benefit of the doubt even if they don’t trust you first. Just don’t be a fool.
Being a fool is not the same as being a good or generous person. Enablers and victims aren’t part of any solutions.
There is usually a good reason that things are the way they are now, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t’ a better way.